What Are the Top 10 Most Popular Languages Used on the Internet by 2024?

A woman holding a sheet where the word hello appears written in the most popular languages

English is still predominant in many fields, including the internet. However, these days, it is not alone on the podium of the most popular languages. This is why offering services only in English, when the audience and prospects are widely diverse, is… a bit wishy-washy.

We are not trying to mess with your current translation strategy. After all, only the business knows the business needs; yet, if you are here today, it is because you have seen the potential for expansion that content translation holds for you. Simply put: It is a great first step towards attracting new clients, building brand awareness, and raising credibility.

But deciding which languages to translate into can be a tricky task. Therefore, here you have the top 10 most popular languages on the internet, so you can start analysing market trends and which of these languages intersect with your target markets. Spoiler alert: Yes, English is still at the top of the list.

Why a Translation Strategy Matters

2024 is likely to show the reinforcement of trends that have been around since last year. And one of them, not only and specifically related to multilingual marketing, is to put the user experience (UX) at the core.

We think the phrase that would best describe the relationship between experience and purchase decision-making is “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy“, which is the report’s name made by the independent market research firm CSA Research. 

This study indicates that 65% of people prefer content in their own language, while 40% state categorically that they would not buy products in foreign languages. A bit tough, right? 

Most interestingly, they surveyed speakers of over 25 languages, which clarifies that the trend is widespread and not just about the most popular languages alone.

Translating is more than just a nice touch. Are you still not convinced? Then these stats are for you: 30% of people never buy at English-language sites, and another 30% rarely do

#OptimationalTip: We do not want to say we told you so, but rather to give you the tools to figure out what is really worthwhile—and critical—for your business. The good news is that it is always a good time to start outlining a multilingual marketing strategy.

Top 10 Most Popular Languages: Internet Edition

Internet World Stats compiled and published the figures that follow—that correspond to its latest report.

#1 English

With 1,186,451,052 users today, English is the most popular language on the internet (i.e. the one with the most speakers). This is not very surprising, as it has been the case almost since the word “internet” saw the light of day. The figure represents 25.9% of the world’s share in the ranking. 

#2 Chinese

It may not come as much of a surprise either, considering China’s large population and vast territory. With 888,453,068 internet speakers and an overall participation rate of 19.4%, its place on the podium is clear. However, there is one more reason why you should consider a translation strategy that includes Chinese: The annual user growth rate is 2,650.4% (compared to English, which is only 742.9%.)

#3 Spanish

Spanish has a great advantage that allows it to be third in the ranking of the most popular languages online: It is the official language of multiple countries. With 363,684,593 Spanish-speaking internet users, it represents 7.9% of the world’s share and has a wide variety of dialects, making localisation paramount.

#4 Arabic

Curious about the language with the highest growth rate? With a 9,348.0% annual growth rate, Arabic comes to the ranking. It has 237,418,349 active internet users and represents 5.2% globally. Another great opportunity to start your multilingual marketing campaign.

#5 Indonesian/Malaysian

This is perhaps one of the most interesting and surprising findings of the ranking. With over 64% of their active population online (198,029,815 users), they account for 4.3% of the global participation rate.

#6 Portuguese

As in the last two languages we presented, Portuguese has seen sustained growth in the number of speakers on the Internet. Today, with 171,750,818 users, it represents 3.7% of the world’s total. Moreover, Portuguese is the official language of nine countries and one independent territory (Macao), so your translation strategy should definitely have it on board.

#7 French

There is another Romance Language on the list. French consolidates its position in seventh place among the most popular languages online, with 151,733,611 active users and a world share of 3.3%.

#8 Japanese

Here is a fascinating fact: Did you know that the internet penetration rate among the Japanese people is 93.8%? That means that almost their entire population uses the internet (118,626,672 active users). Another curious finding: After English, Japanese is the language with the highest daily hits on Wikipedia

#9 Russian

Along with Arabic and Malaysian, it is the language with the highest growth rate, which means its place in the ranking is solid (116,353,942 internet users). Moreover, among the 10 million top-ranked websites, Russian is one of the most popular languages with available content online—second place, after English.

#10 German

The German has been in the ranking for years, although its position has changed continuously. However, it might remain in the top 10 for a long time since, like in Japan, almost the entire population uses the internet—92,525,427currently active users.

#OptimationalTip: This ranking may change over time with the addition of new languages and the displacement of others. However, one thing is clear: The starting point should be to devise a multilingual marketing plan for greater outreach.

Learn more about international website expansion with this guide.

Wrapping Up: The Most Popular Languages Set the Pace for Translations

It is not about translation for translation’s sake but about finding the intersection between what your business needs and where the potential for growth lies. Always keep in mind that no one will buy what they do not understand. And even people who do understand will feel more confident if the offer meets them in an easy-to-digest way.

As a business, never lose sight that the buying process is often emotional, so UX is a fundamental value that every serious company must guarantee.

Let’s start now with your multilingual strategy: Feel free to contact us today.